
Welcome to the leading yellow page for the online prop trading industry. Our goal is to assist traders in saving time when searching for online prop funding programs.

Buying a challenge can be similar to making a long-term trade - you go long on a prop firm and hopefully hodl an account for dear life (if you don’t blow up the account yourself).

Since successful traders do not rely on others’ opinions, we strongly encourage you to conduct your own due diligence before investing your time and money

Here are some key steps to help you evaluate a prop firm:

  1. Evaluate the firm’s website. Take note of the professional look and feel, the richness of the content, the clarity of the FAQs, and the transparency of the rules. Be mindful of what sounds complicated, what’s hidden and what’s missing.

  2. Evaluate the firm’s YouTube content. Look for real success traders who can provide valuable insights into their experiences with the prop firm.

  3. Evaluate the firm’s Twitter content. Check whether they post valuable content or merely shitposting.

  4. Evaluate the firm’s ratings and reviews. If there are any red flags, such as Trustpilot flagging fake reviews, proceed with caution. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews. A firm’s reputation is only as good as its worst reviews and how it addresses them.

  5. Ask questions. Contact the support desk and assess their promptness and clarity in answering your inquiries.

  6. Finally, only invest in a challenge if you can afford to lose the fee.

We hope this website helps you in your prop trading journey.